NorCal Incident Reporting


Language changed to English.


Type of Incident:Ethics
Date of Incident:2024-05-01
Time of Incident:17:00:00
Location of Incident:Central Park Soccer Complex
Home Team:Fremont YSC
Visiting Team:Fremont Rush
Age Group and Gender:Unsure
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:Fremont Rush
Incident Summary:Allegation that Fremont Rush is using fields it is not permitted to use per the Acceptance Letter entered into when Fremont Rush joined NorCal.
Comments:The PAD Committee assumes that this allegation refers to the use of Central Park. Central Park is a field Fremont Rush was allowed to use per its NorCal Letter of Acceptance. There is insufficient evidence for the PAD Committee to rule on the claim that Fremont Rush is violating NorCal rules with their clinics.