NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Ethics
Date of Incident:2019-07-10
Time of Incident:02:05:00
Location of Incident:Napa
Home Team:Isidro Nunez and Gabe Rood
Visiting Team:Napa United 1839 Academy
Age Group and Gender:U12B
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:Isidro Nunez and Gabe Rood
Incident Summary:Allegations that a coach was (1) recruiting a player via text, and (2) may have slandered another coach.
Comments:Regarding the claim of recruiting, there is insufficient evidence for the PAD Committee to find a violation. If you have further evidence, please file a new incident report with the additional evidence. Regarding the potential claim of slander/ defamation, that is a legal issue for the courts.