NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Other — Do not use if a team, player, coach, or spectator is involved. Use only if the incident cannot be classified as any other Type of Incident above.
Date of Incident:2022-11-21
Time of Incident:04:10:00
Location of Incident:Palo Alto
Home Team:PASC
Visiting Team:AAYSA
Age Group and Gender:Unsure
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:AAYSA
Incident Summary:Allegation that AAYSA is using fields in Palo Alto other than Greer Park. AAYSA, in its affiliation letter from NorCal, was limited to the use of Greer Park.
Comments:NorCal Premier authorized AAYSA to use Greer Park in its affiliation letter. AAYSA must not use any fields other than Greer Park.