NorCal Incident Reporting




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4898 found |< 1... 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 245 >|
# Incident Date Location Home Team Visiting Team Age/Gender
5541 2024-03-15 Adele Harricon Middle School SVU 07BGreen United 07 Blue U17B
3060 2018-07-25 Ajax Mary Grogan Complex Milan FC 08 Boys Red 07 Boys U11B
1799 2015-11-07 Alameda Referre Referee U12G
4617 2022-10-15 alameda collage field Association Football 2007 Boys II Oakland SC 07B BLACK U16B
1810 2015-11-08 Alameda College bay oaks sc united 98 Richmond Arsenal U17B
2450 2017-04-01 Alameda College EBU 02G Bay Oaks Gold Academy 02G NPL U15G
699 2013-05-11 Alameda Community College Field EBU Sting Gold 96 Deportivo Santa Rosa Arsenal U16B
685 2013-04-13 Alameda point bay oaks Barca 99 Hayward ysc real Azteca U13B
847 2013-10-06 Alameda Point Unknown Heritage SC U11G
2648 2017-09-09 Alameda Point Jack London Referee U18G
660 2013-04-13 Alameda Point Alameda Pt.1 EBU- Bay Oaks Barca 99 Hayward YSC Real Azteca U13B
4540 2022-09-24 Alameda point , field #3 ebusc bay oaks 11b gold livermore fusion sc 2011 boys U12B
342 2012-05-20 Alameda Point #1 EBU Sting Yellow MSC Clippers U14G
937 2013-11-10 Alameda Point #1 Arsenal 96B White U19B
1102 2014-05-04 Alameda Point #1 Bombers Silver Lightning Stryke U12G
3537 2019-06-01 Alameda Point #2 FCA 07B Blue Juan Alejandre FCA team's coach U12B
706 2013-05-11 Alameda Point #4 Purple Comets Team U10G
773 2013-09-07 Alameda Point 1 Arsenal 98 Los Diablos Azules U15B
948 2013-11-16 Alameda Point 1 (AP1) n/a Team Parent U14B
439 2012-09-16 Alameda Point Alameda Pt. 3 EBU Bay Oaks United 2001 Ajax United Elite 02B U11B
4898 found |< 1... 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 245 >|